Payment and Delivery
Payment information 付款資訊
我們提供一個安全、快捷、可靠的付款方式。你可以使用VISA或MASTER信用卡付款 或 使用Apple Pay / G Pay 支付。我們不會保留客戶的信用卡資料,令你購物時倍感安心。
Apple Pay / G Pay 付款時需要注意在Apple / Google 內的地址詳情,如有任何疑問或修改地址,請聯絡
Please ensure the address details in Apple Pay / G Pay are correct. If you have any questions or wish to modify the address, please contact
Delivery information 送貨資訊
Stickers and Products will be dispatched in 1 week
Shipping is free via surface mail